The Power of Constraint
Jul 31, 2023
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Constraint, when placed upon ourselves, can be extremely powerful because it’s all about intentionality. It’s not about limiting ourselves simply for the sake of discipline. It’s about purposefully and thoughtfully removing or subtracting things from our lives to attain a bigger goal.
Thus this voluntary form of restraint comes from a place of autonomy and ownership. That’s why it’s important to both think carefully and make conscious choices in the area of constraint, as well as to ready yourself to follow through. Because your brain will resist, especially at first. So let’s talk about the power of constraint and how to wield it positively in our lives.
“Practicing voluntary constraint, practicing voluntary limitation of what your options are, and planning that out in advance, can actually give you so much more freedom. Freedom from overwhelm, freedom from decision fatigue, freedom from sort of frittering your time away on things that, in the end, you don’t really even care about.” – Dr. Sara Dill
What You’ll Learn
- What constraint is and is not
- How constraint guides us
- Benefits of simplification
- Areas to consider
- Get specific
- Measure your success
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
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