What do you believe (and when to change it)
Aug 14, 2023
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As children, we’re often told what to believe and/or feel. We don’t have much choice in what we believe. But as adults, that’s not true. No one can actually make us believe anything without our consent. This should prompt us to examine how we’re processing what we believe.
That’s why I feel it’s important to evaluate what you believe and what influences those beliefs. For example, what from your past might be tainting what you believe now? What thoughts or beliefs are left over from your past? Let’s talk about what you believe and when to change it.
“It’s very difficult to make decisions that go against our core beliefs, how we understand the world, how we understand ourselves. Right? It’s like paddling upstream. And so the easier place to start is to identify those beliefs and start to loosen them, start to change them, start to imagine how you would behave if you believed the opposite, if you believed something different.” – Dr. Sara Dill
What You’ll Learn
- Beliefs are choices
- Past shame, guilt, worry, hesitation
- What you believe
- Changing your past
- Changing how you speak about yourself
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
Podcast Episodes that pair well with this one:
Connect with Sara Dill, MD, The Doctor’s Coach
I currently have space for new clients! Schedule a FREE consult call to chat with me about it: saradill.com/schedule.
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- Website: saradill.com
- Work with me: saradill.com/coaching
- My book: The Doctor Dilemma: How to Quit Being Miserable Without Quitting Medicine
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