Give Yourself the Gift of Coaching
May 01, 2023
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Regardless of the type of coaching you receive, whether one-on-one, self-coaching, reading books… I believe everyone deserves coaching. And I truly believe you should give yourself the gift of coaching, if you’re not currently doing so.
In thinking about the gift of coaching, I have been reflecting on what coaching has meant to me and why I do what I do. I love helping others and have received much needed help myself from others. I want people to realize that things don’t need to be completely awful or falling apart for coaching to be valuable, although it is extremely valuable, even sustaining, during those times. Let’s talk about it.
“[When] our current situation is so bad and we are so unhappy that… that pain and suffering that we’re experiencing… outweighs our fear of change, and the unknown, and we’re suddenly willing to make a change… [That is] what I would love to help more people with… [because] it no longer has to get that bad.” – Dr. Sara Dill
What You’ll Learn
- When coaching helps
- Stepping into fear
- Stuck in “I don’t know”
- Coaching helps…
- Stop recreating unwanted results
- Redefine things
- Improve decision making
- Reduce stress
- Much more
Contact Info and Recommended Resources
Small Group Coaching Program: Starts Monday, May 8, 2023. The program lasts 3 months, with 2 sessions per month, plus you receive unlimited written or email coaching in between sessions.
Don’t delay in signing up: there is a maximum of 10 physicians in the group. I keep it very small to be more intimate and so everyone can get coached every week if they want to. Sessions are not recorded (for more privacy).
Also, my Small Group Coaching Program has 6 CME AMA PRA Category 1 credits, which may make it easier to budget for or get reimbursed.
For more information and to register:
Podcast Episodes that pair well with this one:
Connect with Sara Dill, MD, The Doctor’s Coach
I’d love to work with you! Sign up for a FREE consult call so we can chat. Schedule on my calendar at:
Thinking of dropping me a line? Please do! I read all my own emails and truly enjoy hearing from listeners. You can ask me a question, suggest a topic for the podcast, or just say hi: [email protected].
- Website:
- Work with me:
- My book: The Doctor Dilemma: How to Quit Being Miserable Without Quitting Medicine
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