What to do when you get triggered
Feb 19, 2024
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In this episode, Dr. Sara Dill delves into the topic of how to handle being triggered by situations or people. She starts off by sharing her own experience of feeling triggered. Dr. Dill explains that being triggered involves having a negative emotional reaction to a situation, but she emphasizes that it's essential to differentiate between everyday triggers and deeper trauma triggers. She encourages listeners to recognize their triggers and warns against acting on impulse in such situations.
The key takeaway from the episode is the importance of self-regulation and not reacting when triggered. Dr. Dill provides practical strategies, such as deep breathing, pausing, and engaging the senses to ground oneself in the present moment. She highlights the value of taking deliberate steps to downshift emotional and physiological responses before deciding on the best course of action. Dr. Dill shares personal experiences of excusing herself from a situation to regain composure, emphasizing the effectiveness of intentional state-shifting.
Listeners are encouraged to grasp the concept of triggers, practice self-regulation, and understand the importance of pausing before reacting to trigger situations. Dr. Dill's insights offer practical tools for handling emotions and promoting a sense of calmness during challenging moments.
"One of the things I did when I first started coach training was spend about two months just pausing during the day and identifying what I was feeling, which required me to actually check in with my body and with my emotional state and then label it."
Key Takeaways
- Understanding Triggers: What it means to be triggered, and looking at common triggers in everyday life
- Recognizing When You're Triggered: Recognizing the emotional and physiological response to being triggered
- Responding to Triggers: Self-regulation and techniques for down-regulating the stress response
- Shifting Your State: Commitment to pausing and shifting out of heightened emotional states
- The Aftermath of Triggers: Reactions may not always require a response
Connect with Dr. Sara Dill, MD
The Doctor’s Coach
Thinking about working with me? I have room for new clients, so don’t hesitate to schedule a FREE consult call: saradill.com/schedule.
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My book: The Doctor Dilemma: How to Quit Being Miserable Without Quitting Medicine by Dr. Sara Dill, MD
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